Earlier this year we very proudly announced the introduction of biodegradable cellophane to our collection. The introduction came following a two year search for a biodegradable alternative we could work with (biodegradable cellophane cannot be applied using the normal machines, so in the end we had to apply it by hand).

It’s with heavy hearts we share the news that we are making the switch back to “normal” cellophane.

We pride ourselves on 100% natural perfume, produced as sustainably as possible – but without compromising on aesthetics or functionality. The primary role of any cellophane must be to protect the product and after six months it’s become apparent that this biodegradable cellophane is not doing its primary job. In fact, the environmental cost of re-shipping and re-packaging returned goods that have been damaged because the cellophane is not doing its job, is outweighing the positive of using it.

You can only fail when you stop trying, and we certainly haven’t stopped trying!!

We are already working on a new design solution – rethinking the whole picture so that we can avoid cellophane altogether (bio or not), without compromising on product performance or beauty.

Watch this space.

Frances (founder of Abel)