These ingredients differ from synthetic ones in that they are made from living organisms (not petrochemicals) making them both biodegradable and renewable. Synthetic ingredients are created from petroleum and petrochemicals. Petroleum is a nonrenewable resource and the resulting ingredients are often non-biodegradable in our ecosystem and our bodies.
Biotech ingredients also differ from other natural ingredients in that they are “grown” in the laboratory (in a very clean, environmentally friendly way), not on a farm or plantation. Because biotech ingredients are single molecule ingredients, they afford us a precision in the process that can be otherwise difficult when using only essential oils. We have the freedom and flexibility to be directional and modern with the scent profiles as well as giving us more control over sillage and longevity.
Biotech opens up even more opportunities – the palette is broader, the number of ingredients growing all the time, and the process for creating these molecules requires little environmental inputs.